Planting – Sowing Seeds Part I/Winter Sowing

february 001

In January of 2012 I wrote of my first attempts at Winter Sowing. The original blog post along with a follow-up post can be found here:

Winter Sowing
Winter Sowing 2012

As you can see from the photographs above and below, I have winter sown many seeds again.

february 002

Garden web has a forum dedicated to winter sowing. The link can be found below:

Gardenweb Winter Sowing Forum.

Here are a few containers I stored by attaching them with pipe cleaners to coat hangers. I then hung them until they were needed from basement rafters.

winter sowing containers

Here’s a terrific site I found just today with plenty of good lists on what to sow and when: Terrific Winter Sowing list for what to sow and when. Take a Look.

If you live in a cool climate area there is still plenty of time to winter sow. Give it a try!

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