Pholklore – March Comes In Like A Frog???

 Color Your World - 120 Days of Crayola - Mountain Meadow
Color Your World – 120 Days of Crayola – Mountain Meadow

March came in for me, not like a lion, nor a lamb, but exactly like a frog. Last night, as I left the house on an errand, the air was redolent with the scent of approaching Spring. The sound of a seasonal symphony trilled through the air; the singing of Peepers, or as they are technically called, Eastern Tree Frogs. I love the throbbing song they sing, or should I say peep, into the quiet of the evening.

frogs 3 (2)

I enjoy frogs. I usually have quite a few in residence in my garden pond. Unfortunately, my photographs aren’t portraits of tree frogs. Tree Frogs are very elusive and the only ones I have ever seen in my yard were living in my basement window well.

frogs 4 (2)

March coming in like a frog is a perfect start to Spring…at least in my estimation. What could be a better entry than a sweet frog in Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Things That are Wet?

28 thoughts on “Pholklore – March Comes In Like A Frog???

          1. Moved by how you and another reader said that you would not necessarily go to chrich much for help – it was such healthy assessment of how the “institution” of churn is different from faith!

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Yes! And important to “not forsake the gathering together” but also using wisdom and staying open to any and all resources that God puts our way – and I like how you and that other reader worded it (cannot recall the post) but it was gentle spirited and just so objective – because sadly churches have certain issues and it is just “the way it is these days”
                Have a nice day timeless lady! ❤️❤️💕

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  1. ….oh how great this post is! The photographs are just soooooo springlike and as green as green can be–and thank heaven someone is ensuring our frog population is getting a boost. In my childhood I was read the Burgess Books, in which there is a character called ‘Grandfather Frog’.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challeng-Wet-Things – WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Locks, Keys, Knobs and Handles | Cee's Photography

  4. Pingback: Cee’s Weekly Wrap Up – March 12, 2016 and WPC: One Love | Cee's Photography

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