Photographs – Dark and Light

A few examples of winter sunshine.


“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
John 8:12


The late-day sunshine of December set these trees ablaze outside my windows. When I lowered the top pane to take a photograph unobstructed by the glass, birdsong filled the air. A group of grackles, on barren limbs, were singing an evening-song to put the day to rest.

These photos are a part of Dark to Light – Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge.

16 thoughts on “Photographs – Dark and Light

  1. What lovely winter photos! As John and I walked yesterday, we noticed a house ahead seemed to glow. When a neighbor stopped his car to speak to us, we turned. That’s when we saw the sun had hit the clouds behind the mountain, setting them on fire. It was a glorious sight.

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  2. Kathy
    The colors look spectacular
    and truly magical. I am reminded of the book Heidi in which Heidi describes the sun’s rays hitting the mountain tops in different colors of red, orange, purple and every other color she could think of- she thought the skies were putting up a show for her. I think you have been blessed by having the good fortune to witness this miracle.

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    1. Hi Susie, did you know Heidi was one of my favorite books as a child, and I have even reread it as an adult. There is also a sequel to it called Heidi’s Children, but that one is a little harder to find. Light like this does seem like a miracle, then to open the window and hear the choir of birds…amazing.

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      1. Oh when I wrote that comment, I wondered if Americans read that book at all and whether you would know it. ( Shame faced)
        I loved that book as a child and read and reread it like hundreds of times, maybe. Wasn’t it a magical, Polly Anna type of book ?
        I might have read Heidi’s children, I am not sure- did she marry Peter, the goat herd ?

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Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.